Focus fire on Sovereign and the Council will still die. You’ll also receive Renegade Points for this action. If you let the Council die, then humans will be treated slightly different in the second game while different War Assets will be provided in the third. You’re then given the option of choosing a representative from either Udina or Anderson, which represent the Renegade and Paragon choices respectively. Like before, there is a Good and Bad ending based on whether you choose to save the Council, let the Council die or focus fire on Sovereign in the mission “Race Against Time: Final Battle.” Saving the Council will result in a human representative joining the group which also thanks Shepard for their help. That being said, with the changes to Effective Military Strength and removal of multiplayer in the third game, your choices throughout the trilogy will have an even larger impact on the overall ending. As you make your way to the communication tower from the turian camp, you should find them in the pod to your right.Mass Effect: Legendary Edition has different endings for each of its game, though the most diverse set can be found in Mass Effect 3. You can find them during Priority: Palaven.You can purchase them from the Kanala Exports.

After completing Priority: Rannoch, you can purchase it from the Elkoss Combine Arsenal Supplies.After encountering Harbinger for the second time, move forward after the drop-off, hop over the short barrier and take a left to find it. During Tuchanka: Extract Turian Survivors.Wearing the full set won't grant any additional bonuses but will change the complete character's appearance. Armor Sets provide players with protection and resistances against all types of damage. Hahne-Kedar Armor grants the followingimproves weapon damage and can only be used by Commander Shepard. Hahne-Kedar Armor is an Armor Set in Mass Effect 3.