I also might make a custom TOD with more creepy darker atmosphere, but not sure yet. I also plan on removing all original parked car spawns and adding my own. I plan on adding a custom radio that plays the zombie uprising music all throughout the open world. V 1.0.6 is my latest update and will be my last for awhile, I am currently busy on alot of different projects This mod is to be played at the start of the game! You are not intended to play the main story line. If you find any bugs besides what's already listed let me know! I will not be dealing with mission bugs or progression bugs. (think of the gang members as survivalist)

There are only a few npc types roaming the city, and the majority of those are gang members. Also with this mod the only vehicles you will see is what gang members are driving and normal vehicle parked spawns. This mod is supposed to be used as a stand alone mod, however some of GoTR mods are still in this, use them or don't doesn't matter to me!, GoTR was needed because it fixed some animations issues I was having, like shooting guns at zombies would crash the game lmao. Also This comes with a custom GoTR so be prepared to kill some zombies! This mod is best used on a new gamesave, this mod also comes with all weapons unlocked by default however you have to buy them, also car dealerships have been edited to have somewhat zombie atmosphere based vehicles. Zombies don't fight each other and they don't use melee weapons or guns. All this mod does is put zombies in the open world. This mod has been attempted by many but I finally cracked the case, I recently posted my progress in the mods in progress section, but now i'm here with a stable release.

This mod has been featured on a saints row 2 top 5 mods by mrsaintsgodzilla21 : I'm still getting messages about this, use ncloks. Then, go to "Cheats" and select the now unlocked option.Go check out version of this mod his version is more stable, however its a W.I.P currently! He completely re-thought and re-coded the entire thing in his own fashion, in a way I never thought to! Mad props to him fr! AGAIN KEEP IN MIND its a Work In Progress and not the finished thing. A message will confirm correct code entry. Choose the "Dial" option, then enter one of the following numbers, including the symbol, and press "Send". Pause game play, then access the cell phone.